2025 ꓘꓳꓼ 3 ꓦ 7 ꓠꓬꓲ ꓕꓯ ꓝꓲꓝꓮ ꓧꓳꓽ ꓢꓴ Gianni Infantino ꓠꓬ ꓴꓢꓮ ꓗꓴꓷꓼ ꓦꓲ ꓒꓴ ꓒꓴ ꓗꓪ ꓡ ꓢꓲ ꓔꓣꓴꓟꓑ ꓐꓰ ꓙ ꓡꓯ ꓘꓳ ꓡ ꓡꓳ꓿ꓝꓳꓳꓔ ꓐꓮꓡꓡ ꓚꓴꓑ ꓠꓬ ꓦꓲ ꓒꓴ ꓒꓴ ꓗꓪ ꓛ ꓦ ꓓꓴ ꓥꓳ ꓐꓰ ꓐꓯ ꓡꓳ꓿
ꓔꓣꓴꓟꓑꓽ “This will be at the White House for a little while. If anybody needs a picture or anything.” ꓕꓱ ꓟ ꓔꓯ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓲ ꓒ ꓛ ꓦ ꓡꓯ ꓾ ꓬꓲ. ꓙꓱ ꓓꓱ ꓠꓲ, ꓫꓵ ꓢꓴ꓾ ꓥ ꓠꓬ ꓠꓰ. ꓑ ꓣꓱꓽ ꓬꓯ, ꓢꓴ ꓐꓴ ꓐꓱ ꓶ ꓥꓳ꓿
FIFA President Gianni Infantino:“If you like it, Mr. President, it can stay here. Just on the 13th of July, you should take it with me to the stadium, to give it to the winners. They can take a picture, and then we’ll bring it back here after the picture.” ꓠꓴ ꓠꓲ, ꓫꓵ_ ꓐꓯ ꓠꓬ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓛ ꓦ ꓔꓲ ꓖꓼ ꓥꓳ, ꓡ ꓠ ꓟ 7 ꓦ 13 ꓠꓬꓲ ꓕ ꓢꓲ. ꓐꓲ ꓡꓴ. ꓐꓲ ꓔꓶ ꓗꓪ ꓓꓯ ꓡ ꓢꓲ. ꓧꓪ. ꓡꓰ ꓢꓴ ꓔꓯ ꓖꓶꓽ ꓠ, ꓟ ꓥꓳ꓿ ꓝꓮꓲ ꓠꓬ ꓬꓲ. ꓐꓬꓱꓽ ꓓꓱꓽ ꓗ ꓢꓲ. ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓔꓲ. ꓕꓲ ꓧꓶꓼ ꓓꓯ., ꓡ ꓡ ꓓꓴ ꓥꓳ꓿
Trump: “Let’s do that, we’ll leave it here. We’ll have it in the White House quite a bit.” ꓳ. ꓡꓰ ꓬꓰ ꓡꓯ ꓳ ꓐꓯ꓾ ꓕꓱ ꓗꓪ ꓕꓲ ꓑ, ꓛ ꓦ ꓓꓴ ꓬꓰ ꓡꓯ꓿
2026 ꓘꓳꓼ ꓪꓳꓣꓡꓓ ꓚꓴꓑ ꓠꓬ ꓴꓢꓮ ꓗꓴꓷꓼ꓾ ꓚꓮꓠꓮꓓꓮ ꓗꓴꓷꓼ ꓐꓰ ꓟꓰꓫꓲꓚꓳ ꓗꓴꓷꓼ ꓗꓪ ꓬꓰ ꓠ, ꓟ ꓙ ꓖꓶ ꓔꓬ ꓟ ꓥꓳ꓿
ꓓꓳꓽ ꓚꓰꓼ꓾ ꓣꓰꓮꓡ ꓮꓟꓰꓣꓲꓚꓮʼꓢ ꓦꓳꓲꓚꓰ