
Dr. Tu Hkhawng responses to Aung Naing Oo’s letter

By TheLisuTimes

November 14, 2021

Minister of MONREC of NUG Dr. Tu Hkhawng (photo taken from his fb)

အစက ကျနော် အကြောင်းစုံသိနေလဲ သူတို့ကို အားနာလို့မရေးပဲထားတာပါ။ ခုတော့ ဗြောင်လိမ်ပြီး နိုင်ငံတကာမှာ NUG သိက္ခာကျအောင် ကြိုးစားနေပြီ ဆိုတော့ ရေးချရတော့မှာပေါ့။သမ္မတ ဦးသိန်းစိန်လက်ထက်မှာ နော်ဝေနိုင်ငံက ကူညီထောက်ပံ့ပြီး မြန်မာငြိမ်းချမ်းရေးစင်တာ (MPC) ဆိုပြီး တလ ဒေါ်လာ တသောင်း လစာ နဲ့ ငြိမ့်နေခဲ့ကြတဲ့ ငြိမ်းချမ်းရေးပွဲစားအဖွဲ့ဟာ NCA ပျက်သွားမှာ သေမလောက်ကြောက်ကြတယ်။ NCA ဆိုတာ သူတို့ရဲ့ လောက စည်းစိမ် ဖန်တီးပေးတဲ့ ကျမ်းစာအုပ်ပဲ။ NCA သည်မပြီးပြတ်သေးတဲ့ (ဆွေးနွေးဖို့ကျန်သေးတဲ့) အချက်တွေရှိတယ် လို့ ပြောထားတာကို သူတို့ရဲ့ project မပြီးမှာစိုးလို့ ဦးသိန်းစိန် မဆင်းခင် တက်တုတ်ရိုက် အားလုံးမပါပဲ ၁၀ ဖွဲ့နဲ့ အတင်း လက်မှတ်ထိုးပွဲကျင်းပခဲ့တာ ဒီအဖွဲ့ရဲ့ ကြိုးပမ်းမှုပါ။ နိုင်ငံတကာသံသမန်များကိုလဲ ညာခဲ့တယ်။ သူတို့ကြိုးစားလို့ မြန်မာပြည်ငြိမ်းချမ်းနေပြီပေါ့။NCA ဆွေးနွေးပွဲတွေမှာ တချို့ EAOs ကိုယ်စားလှယ်တွေဟာ ကိုယ့်စရိတ်နဲ့ ကိုယ်လာတာကို လေယဥ်လက်မှတ်တွေအတင်းတောင်းယူပြီး ခရီးစရိတ်ကို သူတို့ပဲ ထုတ်ယူခဲ့ကြတယ်။ အာဏာသိမ်းကတည်းက ထိုင်းဖက် ခေါက်တုန့်ခေါက်ပြန် NCA ထိုးထားတဲ့ အဖွဲ့များကိုအမျိုးမျိုးချော့ပြီး တော်လှန်ရေး အားနည်းသွားအောင် NCA အဖွဲ့နဲ့ NUG မပေါင်းမိအောင် နည်းမျိုးစုံကြိုးစားခဲ့ကြတယ်။ အခုတော့ ဘယ်လိုမှ ကြိုးစားလဲ မအောင်မြင်တော့ နိုင်ငံတကာကို သက်သေမရှိတဲ့ စွပ်စွဲချက်တွေနဲ့ ချပြဖို့ကြိုးစားကြတယ်၊ NUG ဟာ သူတို့ကို လုပ်ကြံဖို့ ကြံနေပါသတဲ့။ ကျနော်ပါနေတဲ့ NUG Cabinet မှာ တခါမှ အဲ့ဒီလို လုပ်ကြံသတ်ဖြတ်ဖို့ကိစ္စ ယောင်လို့တောင် မဆွေးနွေးဖူးသလို ဘက်ဂျက်ချပေးတာလဲ မရှိဘူး။ ကျနော်ကိုးကွယ်တဲ့ ဘုရားသိပါတယ်။ အောက်ခြေမှာ ဖြစ်ပျက်နေတဲ့ ဒလန်ရှင်းရေးဟာ အကျိုးရှိလို့အကြောင်းရှိလာတာပါ။ ဒီလို သတ်ဖြတ်နေတဲ့ သံသရာကို ဘယ်သူ စသလဲ? ကျနော်တို့ NUG အနေနဲ့က ဒီလို ဥပဒေမဲ့ သတ်ဖြတ်မှုမျိုး အားလုံးကို ချုပ်ငြိမ်းနိုင်ဖို့ကြိုးစားနေတာပါ။ NUG ရဲ့ PDF အဖွဲ့တွေအတွက်လိုက်နာရမဲ့ Code of Conduct တွေကို ထုတ်ပြန်ထားပြီးလဲ ဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ကျနော်တခုစိုးရိမ်တာက နောက်ထပ် NUG ကို နာမည်ဖျက်ဖို့ ဆရာတို့ကို အသုံးချသွားမှာပဲ စိုးရိမ်ပါတယ်။ ခုပုံစံအတိုင်းဆိုရင်တော့ သူတို့ကို ခြိမ်းခြောက်နေတဲ့ အဖွဲ့ရှိနေတာသေချာပြီ၊ NUG ရဲ့ PDFတွေ မဟုတ်တာတော့သေချာတယ်၊ သို့သော် NUG ကိုနာမည်ဖျက်ဖို့ နိုင်ငံတကာပေါက်ရောက်တဲ့ ဆရာတို့အဖွဲ့ဟာ အကောင်းဆုံးပစ်မှတ်ဖြစ်လာနိုင်ပါတယ်။ စစ်အုပ်စု မလုပ်ရဲတာ ဘာမှ မရှိဘူးနော်။ နိုင်ငံခြားထွက်သွားကြပါ၊ စေတနာ နဲ့ပြောတာပါ။ **သူတို့ရေးတဲ့စာ အောက်မှာဖတ်ပါ။Xxxxxxxxx

So called Peace making broker Aung Naing Oo (photo taken from his fb)

I would like to draw your attention to the secret death threat that the NUG/PDF has issued to assassinate U Hla Maung Shwe, Dr. Min Zaw Oo (MIPS) and myself. I understand that many of you or high-ranking government officials, including Ministers, parliamentarians, director generals etc., from your capitals have spoken to the top NUG officials. It is not a secret because the NUG/PDF publishes their meetings with you. I understand that you are supporting NUG for the values you hold dearly – human rights, democracy, rule of law and justice and against any form of dictatorship. I would like to draw your attention that the targeted killings are against all the norms and values you hold dearly. I am writing to you because these are the values we hold dearly and are against any form of violence. In October alone, the NUG/PDF killed 188 people, almost all of them unarmed civilians. I understand that you are aware the NUG/PDF have carried out these targeted killings on mere suspicions that someone is working or spying for the military junta. These people have no trial, no legal representation and there is no proper vetting system. All one needs is a CDM – a very powerful and extremely dangerous tool – to post a message on social media often along with the address and photos of the individual/s purportedly working for the military. Then the PDF carries out the killing. Since the violence in Myanmar took an ugly turn in April/May, the NUG/PDF has killed over 600 unarmed civilians. They have killed with such abandon. Last week, three traffic police officers were shot and two of them were killed in Tanyin, just across Yangon, because they were collecting money from the motorists. Everyone knows that the traffic police collect money from motorists, but they should not be punished by death and without trial. Now the NUG/PDF are stepping up their game and have included us and many others on the priority hit list. The threat is real, and we are greatly concerned. As many of you know we have been in the peace process, calling for dialogue, and would like the conflict to be resolved peacefully. That we have different notions of conflict resolution in Myanmar does not mean that we support or work for the military. We denounce violence of all kinds by anyone, not only the military but also any other groups in Myanmar. We want to get rid of the military just like anyone else in Myanmar. Myanmar has suffered far too long from devastating conflicts, and it pains our hearts every time we see anyone die, youngsters being rounded up or innocent civilians imprisoned or tortured or killed by the military, or NUG/PDF assassinating unarmed civilians. Whoever is maimed, killed, tortured, or imprisoned regardless of who they are – be they EAOs, PDFs, civilians or the Tatmadaw soldiers – they are our citizens. We have fought for democracy and freedom in Myanmar. Dr. Min Zaw Oo and I were in exile for 24 years and have not stopped fighting for peace and democracy in Myanmar. U Hla Maung Shwe went to prison for two years for supporting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in 1990. He is a tireless peacemaker communicating daily with all stakeholders to bring about dialogue and prevent conflicts. He has saved so many lives by successfully preventing conflicts between the Tatmadaw and EAOs. He does it for love. During the U Thein Sein Administration, he sat on the Political Prisoners Release Committee and helped many political prisoners release. I implore you to take appropriate action against the excesses of the NUG/PDF. I believe that you have both moral and political authority to put a stop to the NUG/PDF becoming the MONSTER they are fighting against. A few days ago, I wrote to some of you informing that the NUG/PDF’s hit squat has a priority list of businessmen, politicians, actors/artists/performers who they think are supporting or working with the military regime for assassination. Then I learned that only U Hla Maung Shwe was on the list. As of Saturday morning (November 6), a highly reliable source who has friends in NUG/PDF called me and warned me about the threat. He also mentioned that it is not just U Hla Maung Shwe but also me and Dr. Min Zaw Oo who are on the NUG/PDF’s priority hit list. Also on the list are some academics who have spoken out against both the military and NUG/PDF. The hit squad is already in Yangon and planning. Knowing some of the people who are involved with the planning and execution, our friend tried to reason with them. It was all in vain. He himself is so concerned and has spoken to me a few times in the past few days. As already been reported, a businessman from Mytel was killed three days ago. It sent a shockwave through the business community in Myanmar. On November 7, the NUG/PDF bombed a building that belongs to the Film Association as a warning. I will not be surprised if the real assassination of some actors, businessmen or academics who are purported to be supporting or working with or for the SAC regime happen soon. As you may be aware, U Ko Ko Gyi (the 8888 Generation leader and Chairman of the People’s Party) whom I respect a lot, has been threatened on multiple occasions by the NUG/PDF. U Ko Ko Gyi spent 20 years in prison, fighting against the military regime. He continues to speak out against the current regime, though through peaceful means. The NUG/PDF threatened to kill his two young children because he spoke out against the excesses of the NUG/PDF. U Ko Ko Gyi can no longer live in Yangon and has not been seen in public since April. An Executive Committee Member of the Mon Unity Party told me on November 5 that NUG/PDF has issued death threats against several of their members, including Dr. Aung Naing Oo, the former Deputy Speaker of Mon State Parliament. I understand the anger of the people but using extreme violence is not the right way to resolve the ongoing conflict. We take this threat against me, my colleagues, and others who have not taken sides in this current conflict extremely seriously, given the number of unarmed civilians the NUG/PDF has killed over the past few months. A few days ago, we reached out to a friend who speaks to NUG leadership regularly. His reply “Just informed them. They will check with NUG Defense and Home Affairs whether such actions have been authorized. I raised the seriousness and risks of such reckless intentions and actions. Possible consequences as well.” I spoke to him again with the new information. I learned from our friend that the NUG is shirking their responsibilities, saying they have no control over PDF. But this is not true because the current plan is drawn up by top NUG leadership and executed by their hit squats. It is public knowledge that the UNG formed the PDF on May 5. At the center of all of this is the NUG’s Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration. As you may be aware, there are three types of targeted killings committed by NUG/PDF. One is directly managed and operationalized by the NUG. The second is its affiliated groups; the NUG provides intelligence and resources, but they control their operations. The third type is the killing committed by local PDF. Inside the NUG, Lwin Ko Latt, the Minister of Home Affairs and Immigration, oversees the hit operations. We have been with the peace process officially and unofficially since 2012. We are for dialogue and not part of the current conflict. All we do is to find an entry point to a dialogue with a hope of ending the madness that has engulfed Myanmar. I would like to let you know that we are not taking from the vacuum. Upon hearing the information about the potential plot to kill us, we have reached out to friends who have a close relationship with the NUG. Several sources have confirmed that it is all true. Taking this opportunity, I would also like to thank the Ambassadors who expressed concerns and offered help. We will also be reaching out to government officials, including those from the State Department, Brussels, Canberra, London and elsewhere through our contacts. We will also be reaching out to EAOs that have assisted the NUG/PDF. You will notice that I have not talked about military brutality. This is because I do not need to elaborate what the regime stands for and is capable of. We do not want this to be blown out of proportion and would like to ask you to treat this matter confidentially. Many thanks for your kind attention. I have also attached a recent picture of the NUG/PDF Home Affairs and Immigration Minister’s online meeting with over 60 PDF groups.https://mrattkthu.com/blogs/letter-asked-for-help-by-former-peacebroker-leaked?fbclid=IwAR21zJ8X8vf9e1FOf2rV6rkHEWmVj2keE4sXADgM4O6dSf_qUUBTGGHT2_wCredit.. Dr. Tu Hkawng